
Tips on how to share your page

Congrats, you’ve made a gifting page! Now its time to share it so you can start receiving gifts (and if you haven’t made one yet, click here to get started).

As part of making your gifting page, you will have chosen a unique URL link.

The best way to share your URL link will depend on how you plan to tell loved ones about your special day…

Paper invites

If you are going with paper invites – include your unique URL link on the invitation, together with a short introduction. Something along the lines of the below always works well:

If you would like to give us a gift, we would be grateful for contributions to our wishing well via [insert your custom URL]

Your presence is the greatest gift we could ask for, but should you wish to mark this celebration with a gift, you can find our gifting page here: [insert your custom URL]

Gifts are not necessary, but if you insist, we would be grateful for contributions via [insert your custom URL]

Remember, if you want to change your unique URL, you can do this at any time by editing your event – but make sure you choose your final URL before sending out any printed invites!

Digital invites

All digital invite providers are designed to incorporate links to external registries or wishing wells.

For example, if you are using a provider like Paperless Post, you will have the option to add a hyperlink or button, taking guests straight to your Wishful gifting page!

If you don’t need the assistance of a tool like Paperless Post to manage RSVPs, you can even include the details of your celebration in the description on your gifting page and use it as a digital invite.

Wedding websites

If you have created a dedicated wedding website for your special day, make sure to include a hyperlink or button to your Wishful gifting page. 

This will allow guests to navigate straight to your gifting page when viewing your website – super simple!

Text or email

If you are creating your own invites to send out directly (for example via email or SMS), make sure to include the URL in your message – either as a hyperlink or just spell it out in the same way you would for a paper invite.


There are lots of options – happy sharing!  

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